Driven by Science, Delivered by Professionals.

Strength is built not given

Strength is neither bought nor gifted.

Strength is built through physical challenges – exercise interventions to which the body adapts by getting stronger.

Delivering an Exercise Intervention at Sotogard Medical means more to us than just training the patient.

It means Data Gathering, Data Analysis, Lab Monitoring, Strength Evaluations, and Strength Reports.

We dare you. We drive you. We build you, from the ground up.

Through that pain. Through those defeats. Through doubt, fear, failure, and all the rest of it.

On the other side of the weaknesses you face, Strength awaits.

We are here to help you find it.

Preparation for Challenging Environments

There are missions and expeditions in life and work that require a higher level of mental and physical performance than the average recovery process with patients. 

With preparation for high-performance challenges, a level of independence in pushing oneself is needed at entry level. 

Your weaknesses will be identified and the necessary demands placed upon you to fix them. 

This will require work both with us and alone. 

Day in day out, and not always necessarily in daytime.  

Aside from training with our staff, you will be given work to perform alone, when no one is watching, listening, or cheering you on. 

No one except you. 

Book an appointment

Corporate Care Services Enquiry Form

Application Form

This form is intended exclusively for socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals in need of Integrative Care Services. Applicants are expected to list a referee (physician, nurse, allied healthcare provider, legal professional, priest) in order to complete the form. This referee will be required to submit a cover letter if the application is accepted. Applications are subject to social worker review. Separately, applicants are expected to list details of a medical referral by a General Practitioner in the community. It is therefore advisable for this form to be filled together with the caring Practitioner.