Strength Clinic
“We cannot measure what we cannot calculate”
Strength decreases over time, whether we are sick or healthy.
Loss of muscle mass and physical power is a normal part of aging, and it is accelerated when we do not take the time to counter it by well-structured, targeted exercise.
This loss accelerates aging and puts us at risk for decreased bone mass, decreased heart strength, a slower metabolism, and a slower mind.
If you’re already fighting this loss with exercise, good on you. If you’re not, you probably should be.
Whichever category you fit in, knowing where you stand with your Strength is vital.
Similar to evaluating Health, evaluating Strength is not just a matter of deciding whether you “feel ok.”
It is an objective evaluation that is calculated using scientific tools.
This is what our Exercise Scientists do at Strength Clinic every Saturday morning.
They sit you down and size you up to see what you’re made of – literally.
- Lean Body Mass
- Body Fat Percentage
- Pushing Strength
- Pulling Strength
- Grip Strength
- Leg Strength